Episode 188: Kaizen and Kendo

In this episode, I would like to talk about kaizen and kendo. Kaizen is a Japanese word that became famous because of Toyota. Hope you enjoy 🙂 

Episode 187: What Do You Train at The Dojo?

In this episode, I would like to share my thoughts on what we train at the dojo. You might say kendo but not to me. Find out what 🙂 PS… Sorry about the delay. I edited a little bit in the morning before leaving for work but could not finish it. 

Episode 186: Seeing Things From Different Perspectives

In this episode, I want to share my experience in changing my perspectives. Since I decided to try my 7-dan exam for the first time, I have learned a lot from many senseis. And that was so valuable for me. Hope you like it!

Episode 185: The Way of The Techniques?

In this episode, I want to share my thoughts on what is the way and what is the techniques. 

Episode 184: My Life-Changing Event. 7-dan Exam

In this episode, I would like to share my personal experience and life-changing event, 7-dan exam.