Episode 164: Kōdansha and Katana

In this episode, I am sharing my thoughts on kōdansha learning iaido. The concept of kendo is to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the katana (sword). 

I am sure this idea have been talked about. And the late Yoshihiko Inoue sensei was having his students do iaido when they became certain level. I think that is what I read somewhere a long time ago.

What do you think about the idea?

Episode 163: What Did I learn at Kodansha Seminar?

In this episode, I am sharing what I learned at Kodansha seminar. The first weekend of June, I participated in a kodansha seminar led by Tagawa sensei held in Las Vegas. Plenty to learn and share with my students and you.


Episode 162: What Should Adult Kendo Practitioners Focus on During Training

In this episode, I am sharing what adult kendo practitioners focus on during training. Everyone wants to improve. At non-bogu phase, focus on coordination. Once put a set of bogu on, focus on getting used to it. And also focus on doing things right. It doesn’t matter what level you become, in the end, we all want to have the correct basics.


Episode 161: Don’t Quit Kendo

In this episode, I want to send a message to those who are thinking about quitting kendo. I thought about quitting a few times in the past. But I am glad I didn’t. If you need a break, take a break. But don’t close the door completely.