Episode 198: Learn Kendo from Different Perspectives

In this episode, I would like to share some interesting topics that we had with some Japanese high grade holders. This is a great chance for us to learn kendo from different perspectives. 

Hope you enjoy.

Episode 197: Time to Live Kendo

In this episode 197, I would like to share a thought on living kendo. Ever since All Japan Kendo Federation started talking about getting back to training, we’ve been talking about doing kendo. So I would like to talk about living kendo. I said Episode 169 first then corrected it to Episode 196. But it is 197! 

Episode 196: How to Make Your Suburi More Realistic

In this episode, I would like to share how to make your suburi more realistic so it will be more effective. 

Episode 195: How Should Adults Train Kendo at Home?

In this episode, I am talking about how we can change this time into something beneficial for our kendo. A lot of people out there are still being very patient to fight this virus. It’s time to fix our bad habits! Let’s do it!

Episode 194: Training Kendo at Home

In the episode, I would like to share my thoughts on training kendo at home. This THE original. I didn’t even remove the noise. What do you think?